Thursday, September 25, 2014

Self Portrait

I am a person that is only good at numbers, if even that. I am not a good artist or sketcher and I lack creativity, but when I do come up with something usually it is very hard for me to portray my ideas. I can do numbers because they are easy and flow into every day life in one way or another. My strongest area involves numbers because I am not an English person or an artist or any other thing that most people would think off as skillful. The only other thing that I am good at is drawing lines and shapes with lines, my skills as a designer are not the best but hopefully they will improve through the year.


  1. Drawing is all about looking closely at things, drawing lines where lines are and shapes where shapes are. So... you've got this!

    What are your goals for this class?

    1. My goals for this class are to improve my drawing and line skills , to learn new methods of portraying items, and to apply these concepts everywhere and anywhere
