Thursday, September 25, 2014

Product Improvement: iWatch for X1 Millennial Watch

X1 Millennial Watch
Things not mentioned:
NOT APPLE!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>
Standard Watch:
  • Made of carbon fiber and plastic
  • Has stopwatch, timer, time and day digitally displayed
  • Buttons for every feature
  • Dial on each side to set timer
  • 2.5cm/1in width, 10+cm strap, and 3.5cm
Advanced Watch:
  • Made of carbon fiber for lightweight feel 
  • Fingerprint lock
  • Projector to display holograms
  • 3 audio jacks for Bluetooth earpiece and glasses
  • Earpiece gives people ability to listen to things on their watch without other people interrupting
  • Glasses allow you to use the holograms without people invading your privacy
  • Solar panel screen so you never have to charge it
  • Micro SD port and 10-ping(standard phone charger) port so that you can commect to other devices 
  • 10 default buttons preset (changeable) to access different things
  • Buttons(in order) setting, clock, music, applications, calls, messages, calculator, internet, media, utilities, and holograms
  • Complete heat and water proof
Special version 
  • Made for people with disabilities 
  • Made of carbon fiber to be lightweight and not bother people
  • Voice input/output to be spoken to/speak to watch 
  • Camera to see surroundings and say things around wearer
  • Audio jack so that people can hear without any other noises
  • Directions/indicators to help people navigate from location to location 
  • Projector to display holograms and keyboard
  • Emergency buttons:911 and changeable phone number (house, school, doctors, etc)
  • Solar panel screen 
  • Complete heat and water proof

Better images may be up later, not certain if I can find a better picture, please deal with my terrible photography skills.

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