Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bridge Project

Brainstorming is important because it helps us come up with ideas to come up with solutions to our given problems. It helps you get good ideas out to come up with the best idea possible that you can think of, later if you're in a group you can compare ideas and have a successful project.

Testing helps you improve a design because a finished project is always have some sort of flaw that makes you consider it as not finished, testing also helps you make sure that it is functional and doesn't fail at the moment of truth.

If I could change my design and make it different it would've been longer by some weaving and more supported columns to support the people blocks.

Some big characteristics of successful teams are that there needs to be teamwork in the group such as communication and non-infighting. Communication allows for feedback on projects or ideas so that people can better ideas to be more functional. Successful teams are made of people that work together under certain situations to achieve a goal with the given resources that primarily revolves around communication.

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