Friday, September 26, 2014


The emotions lines communicate are that they can shape anything. Lines shape and mold everyday objects such as phones, computers, letters, numbers and more. Lines are abstract and they show many different things from anger to love or even confusion. Lines show the world naturally and artificially, they DO NOT have to be straight but are often portrayed as straight because lines in math are straight. Lines are amazing in many ways and can show many things.

Pictures will be up later, I currently do not have the ability to upload the picture

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Self Portrait

I am a person that is only good at numbers, if even that. I am not a good artist or sketcher and I lack creativity, but when I do come up with something usually it is very hard for me to portray my ideas. I can do numbers because they are easy and flow into every day life in one way or another. My strongest area involves numbers because I am not an English person or an artist or any other thing that most people would think off as skillful. The only other thing that I am good at is drawing lines and shapes with lines, my skills as a designer are not the best but hopefully they will improve through the year.

Product Improvement: iWatch for X1 Millennial Watch

X1 Millennial Watch
Things not mentioned:
NOT APPLE!!!!!>>>>>>>>>>>>
Standard Watch:
  • Made of carbon fiber and plastic
  • Has stopwatch, timer, time and day digitally displayed
  • Buttons for every feature
  • Dial on each side to set timer
  • 2.5cm/1in width, 10+cm strap, and 3.5cm
Advanced Watch:
  • Made of carbon fiber for lightweight feel 
  • Fingerprint lock
  • Projector to display holograms
  • 3 audio jacks for Bluetooth earpiece and glasses
  • Earpiece gives people ability to listen to things on their watch without other people interrupting
  • Glasses allow you to use the holograms without people invading your privacy
  • Solar panel screen so you never have to charge it
  • Micro SD port and 10-ping(standard phone charger) port so that you can commect to other devices 
  • 10 default buttons preset (changeable) to access different things
  • Buttons(in order) setting, clock, music, applications, calls, messages, calculator, internet, media, utilities, and holograms
  • Complete heat and water proof
Special version 
  • Made for people with disabilities 
  • Made of carbon fiber to be lightweight and not bother people
  • Voice input/output to be spoken to/speak to watch 
  • Camera to see surroundings and say things around wearer
  • Audio jack so that people can hear without any other noises
  • Directions/indicators to help people navigate from location to location 
  • Projector to display holograms and keyboard
  • Emergency buttons:911 and changeable phone number (house, school, doctors, etc)
  • Solar panel screen 
  • Complete heat and water proof

Better images may be up later, not certain if I can find a better picture, please deal with my terrible photography skills.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Bridge Project

Brainstorming is important because it helps us come up with ideas to come up with solutions to our given problems. It helps you get good ideas out to come up with the best idea possible that you can think of, later if you're in a group you can compare ideas and have a successful project.

Testing helps you improve a design because a finished project is always have some sort of flaw that makes you consider it as not finished, testing also helps you make sure that it is functional and doesn't fail at the moment of truth.

If I could change my design and make it different it would've been longer by some weaving and more supported columns to support the people blocks.

Some big characteristics of successful teams are that there needs to be teamwork in the group such as communication and non-infighting. Communication allows for feedback on projects or ideas so that people can better ideas to be more functional. Successful teams are made of people that work together under certain situations to achieve a goal with the given resources that primarily revolves around communication.