Friday, April 24, 2015

Weekly Progress

 During this week I struggled to make the chest piece of the characters. I made several mistakes and ended up with two decently looking chest pieces. On Monday I was able to finish the skirt.

This is one of the better looking chest pieces.

This is another of the chest pieces. I think it looks slightly better but it may not fit with the story.

This is a failed attempt at the chest piece. It was very uneven but it came out decently at the end, however I did not notice the unevenness so I attempted to fix it but could not.
This is the finished for the character. It is around the same measurements as the failed attempt but this can be worn by most people.

This is a failed attempt at the skirt. It was too big for any person to wear.

Friday, April 17, 2015

Maker Faire Reflection

During the week I was able to sketch out some of the parts for the guards or player. I began to work on the lower part of the armor but I was not able to finish. I wish I could have helped out more during the week. My goal for next week is to find the missing map if it has not been found already and to finish the lower part.