Monday, March 23, 2015

Maker Faire Design Team

For the FPP I would want to be either part of the art team or the user interface/user experience team. I would want to be part of these teams because I have several years of experience with video games so I knows how the mechanics and environment would work.

Friday, March 20, 2015

Activity 7.1

Size dimension is different from location dimension because size dimension describes the size of each geometric feature while location dimension describes a point on a geometric figure. Datum dimension is where a single point is used as a reference point for all other figures while chain dimension is connecting points to make a figure. Chain dimension usually results in smaller parts. Dimension drawings and a written description are similar because they both show the general idea, however they are different because dimension drawings show specific detail and a picture in front of you while the written description only gives you an idea.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Maker Faire: Game Brainstorming

This a game about a samurai trying to save his cousin, the princess of his province in Japan.

It was developed after the game Resident Evil borrowing horror elements of the franchise. The team of Campcom developers was led by Jun Tekeuchi.

Capcom led by Jun Tekeuchi

It was created to entertain people.

This game is intriguing to me because I grew up with it in my childhood.

The Cutscenes

Instant Challenge Car

I would change this model by making the propeller stick to the car without jamming to the wheels. I would cut the axles to make is it closer to the car making it roll more.

Monday, March 2, 2015


a. Automoblox X9-Se

Top                                                                             Front


Visual design principles and elements impact the sales of a product because when the product is not attracting it sells less than its attractive counterpart.
The product function is represented.
They preform reverse engineering to find put how a product is made without them knowing how it was built in the first place, they  use reverse engineering to rebuild a product but making it better in the process. Reverse engineering is using an object and taking it apart while noting how everything works individually, after that you begin to rebuild it to understand how it was built and works while also making minor adjustments
I would make the cars more visually appealing to allow for more sells. To build a visually appealing car while also keeping the costs down, I would make it slimmer and add more detail.